Here are my notes from the What’s in Your Food : Reading Labels Livestream in case you missed it!!! After you watch it, let me know what a few of your takeaways were!

- Low/no fat…In order to add flavor, something else will be added in. Usually sodium or sugar.
- “Natural,” “healthy” on the front of the package don’t really mean anything unless it’s meat.
- Ignore the front of the package, “high protein,” “whole grain,” “gluten free” you need to check the back/nutrition label.
- Important to look at calories? YES, but you need to look at the SERVING SIZE too.
- Serving Size is not always the PORTION size you should be eating. You may need a portion size that is bigger or smaller depending on your macros.
- Choosing a primary source of protein…the protein will be the biggest number vs fats and carbs. Example : greek yogurt…add almonds (secondary source of protein).
- Natural sugar vs ADDED sugar. Sugar can be hidden, be sure to check the ingredients…anything ending in “ose” is sugar.
- How much sugar in a day? Females – 25 grams, Males – 38 grams according to the American Heart Association.
- Sbux Carmel Latte has 18 grams of sugar in it.
- PAY ATTENTION to how much sugar you are consuming.
- Bread and condiments will have sugar. This will add up quickly. Dairy has added sugars too.
- “Fat free” is not always the best choice.
- Your goals will determine what options you choose in the store and how you make it fit with your macros.
- Sodium, eat fresh foods first! Will have less sodium in it vs pre-packaged foods.
- Choosing food items with 250-500 mg of sodium in it is a good range.
- Sodium will be relative per person. Focus more on the sugars than the sodium.
- Corn starch and syrup…certain things (starch) are added to food to preserve it or for baking. Syrup is an added sugar.
- Is there science behind “net” carbs? Everyone’s body handles food and fiber differently. Best to look at TOTAL carbs vs net carbs. Every food company calculates things differently.
- Sucralose…dietary guidelines don’t say it’s good or bad. Good in moderation is okay. Too much is a no go.
- Insulin resistant? Recommended amount, same as above but be more conscious of sugars in your diet. Try to keep carbs lower, go for natural foods – fruit, veggies, etc. Stay away from processed foods. Reach out to advisor or coach if you have questions.
- If you can pronounce all the ingredients, probably a better choice vs something that has a long ingredient list or things you can’t pronounce.
- Limit foods that come in packages. Try to shop on the outside shelves of the store.
- Look for more whole, nutrient dense foods.
Missed it live? You can watch it here or in the app I use for 1:1 coaching and accountability! (Make sure I’m listed as your advisor if you’re just signing up, mrskimkravitz, so I can help you along your journey.)