Take. The. Photo. Not to belittle yourself or to make yourself feel bad. You’re taking the photo to CELEBRATE the person who had the COURAGE to say I’m done living like this, and I’m ready to make a change. #WeighInWednesday down 6.6 between the photos. Stay the course. Trust the process. The results will come if you put in the consistent work.

What I’m doing…
- 120 oz water (daily)
- 45 minute walk (6 days/week)
- 140g of protein (daily)
- Stregnth training (4 days/week)
- Read 10 pages (daily)
Start with one habit. Master it. Then add another one. Rinse, repeat. You got this! Want some help? Join my FB Group for group accountability OR join me in the app for 1:1 coaching.