Let me start this post off with this…Supplements are tools. They are NOT magic. They will not solve all of your problems. You still have to put in the hard work in the kitchen AND gym to achieve your goals. If you’re not a picky eater like I am, go for REAL food first.

Let’s talk protein and why it’s important!!! At the end of the day, protein is the building block for EVERYTHING in our body. It’s essential for our hormones, thyroid function, and immune cells. Since I’ve been tracking my protein intake, my migraines have become less frequent, and I can’t remember the last time I was sick. I’ve, also, noticed my recovery time from big lifting days doesn’t seem to be as long either. Winning!! Protein helps me feel/stay full longer and stabilizes my blood sugar so I don’t crash and have brain fog. Does that make sense?
To put it in very simple terms, humans are animals. When we’re choosing a protein supplement, go for animal/whey over plant protein that has all 9 amino acids first UNLESS you have specific dietary restrictions. **If you have any questions about if you can use a protein supplement, TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR. They have your medical history and can give you a for sure yes/no.** And like I mentioned above, choose REAL FOOD first. I use this Red Velvet Cake protein powder for my breakfast because I don’t eat any “traditional” breakfast proteins. Sausage, NO. Bacon, NO. Ham, NO. Eggs, NO. Welcome to my life lol HA! I’ll just take all the breakfast carbs instead lol.
It’s, also, super convent to drink on that 30 minute drive home from the gym. (Yep, even in New York the gym is still 20-30 minutes away depending on traffic.) When I get home, I’m not starving and can immediately jump into “mom mode” because we all know Duke is NOT going to wait for me to eat something to be taken out. Bless his heart!
My personal goal is to get at least 30-50g of protein per meal as a woman. How much you should have per meal is going to depend on 1. Where you are in life and 2. What your goals are. I eat 3 meals a day and have a goal of 140g of protein per day. It just comes down to simple math. If you’re not paying attention to what you’re eating at all and are looking for a STARTING PLACE, focus on just having protein with every meal. After a week or two you can start tracking how much you’re getting in per meal and make micro adjustments from there to hit your goals. I use the 1st Phorm app to track my macros. (Yes, it’s worth every penny!!!) And if you need some “real food” protein suggestions, here’s a list…Chicken, lean beef, tuna, turkey, eggs, yogurt, beef jerky, this list could go on and on!
If you need help getting started, I do still offering coaching. Join me in the app, and send me a quick message over there.