About a month after they cancelled in-person school and the kids started virtual “learning,” we bought our first travel trailer!!! A 2018 Puma by Palomino. Let the adventures begin!
The drive home from the rv store was so nerve-racking! Yes, when we got my truck it was to do “truck stuff,” but up until that point I had never done “truck stuff” lol. I tooted along, took as many back roads as possible, and white knuckled that entire 45 min drive from Joplin! Good time. Good times.
It would take us a few months after getting it home to book our first trip lol. But after that first trip, just to the local lake, with ZERO cell service, I was hooked! It was so relaxing to be disconnected from the craziness of the world in an empty campground in the middle of the week with the that part of the lake basically to ourselves. THIS is what we had imagined post military life would be like. It was absolutely glorious!