We took one more trip out to our local lake just to make sure we had our shit together with my new truck before heading out on our first “big” adventure. A month later, and...
Not exactly one of my favorite activities, BUT if we wanted to travel more than just to the local lake, we needed a new tow vehicle. If I remember correctly, we decided to tackle this...
I can’t believe it’s already the first of a new month!!! 1/3 of the year is GONE already. 😲 Time to buckle down and make the most of 2023! Maybe you have been crushing your...
Weigh-in Wednesday… The past week was OFF SCHEDULE. Couldn’t make it to the gym. Didn’t want to put more miles on the Jeep since it was going soon. I did, however, get in at least...
I FINALLY GET MY TRUCK BACK!!! Aaron’s been driving it this winter since he has the longer daily commute and it is the more reliable vehicle. When we first started the search for a new...
My sweet sidekick is TWO years old today!!! He’s definitely “my dog.” He tolerates, and even likes, other people sometimes…but I’m definitely his favorite. He LOVES people watching! It’s his favorite thing to do. Now...